Thursday, February 12, 2009

Karl Williams collaboration

I am very excited to finally formalize a composition with midi synth wiz Karl Williams. We set up a make-shift electronic music studio in the studio space residency generously started by Anna Gray and Ryan Paulsen in the PSU grad studios in the Art Building. We will be using a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer with a Macintosh G4 tower and Ableton Live software as well as a Tascam stereo usb audio converter. Read more!

SPS: Abraham Ingle

As part of Authentic Enthusiasm's Special Presentation Series, Abraham Ingle presented "How to record the lives that surround yours." He present the fundamentals to interviewing and recording people. This included being kind and being present. It was made even more awesome when we were able to listen to a full recording of an audio project Abe had brought to share with us. And here is the rest of it. Read more!